Monday, November 21, 2011

why my tears always drop?

i wish that i have never feel unhappy while being with you,
you know,
i don't wish to be a bad tempered girl infront of you,
why every time you must make me do this?
i know, maybe you are the one who love me,
so you can standby me.
you always didn't use a proper way to communicate with me you know?
why i cried just now?
because i wondered that when will we b***k?
i don't wish to say the word, really.
and i will thinking of what, you know?
i will think that which one of us will say out the word first,
and guess what?
i think is YOU.
ya, my tempered might be hot,
so i don't think you can stand until the last.
i always think that we are the same,
that your temper is same as mine,
i saw how you treat your family but,
as i said you are same with me so,
i love, both of us LOVE our family,
just it's not too obvious.
sometime i think that you are quite suspicious...
because you always make me angry~
guess what?
i always wish to get your consolation,
wish you to bring me back to heaven,
but my hopes, my wishes,
always send to HELL!!
you know,
sometime i really hate you alot!
not because you are hateful,
just because I LOVE YOU!
you think that do a little things can preserve what we had before,
but no.
you have ruined something you know?
you ruined you percentage in my heart,
and now the glasses in my heart is full of SCARS!
i cannot do anything,
because there is a "YOU" inside it,
i must protect it,
be strong to protect your place in my glasses as well.
when will this stop?
maybe when you really really make me feel nothing,
there is nothing on you in my eyes,
i will say b***k,
don't think that i don't dare!
i might be violence to you,
as you think.
but do you REALISE?
realise that i didn't treat others as the same?
if you think that then you wish to be the "OTHERS",
then, just tell me,
i won't treat you as what i wish to, ALSO!
i DON'T CARE whether you READ this or not!
what i've said here,
is what i THINK!

cherish珍惜the people who deserve to!
22nd November 2011